I have a define that use a configuration file. Most of the time this is
the same configuration file. Here this is a rsync configuration file.
The issue is that i want the define to take care of the management of
the file as only this define use it:
define filevault( $source, $destination, $recursif = ''true'',
$deletesource = ''delete'', $exclude = '''',
''/usr/local/.aqadmin/etc/rsyncd.pwf'', $owner
=''none'', $group$
file { "$pwf":
content => ''passaqueos'',
before => Exec["rsync-$source-$destination"],
mode => 600
exec { "rsync-$source-$destination":
command => $recursif ? {
true => "rsync
--password-file=$pwf -raz --exclude=$exclude .......
false => "rsync
--password-file=$pwf -az --exclude=$exclude --$......
but if i call 2 time the define for a host then i fails as :
err: Could not retrieve configuration: Parameter before is already set
on File[/usr/local/.aqadmin/etc/rsyncd.pwf] by filevault at
How can i solve this problem, the file is only to be used by this
define so i do not want to add it to all the hosts ?
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