Daniel Dvořák
2006-Sep-28 19:37 UTC
adding other login class to login.conf in case one is already there
Hi all, could somebody looks at this PR ? <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=103794> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=103794 It began with my mail to LI Xin. He agreed that I attach our mail?s correspondence. Here it is:> -----Original Message-----> From: LI Xin [ <mailto:delphij@delphij.net> mailto:delphij@delphij.net]> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:24 AM> To: dandee@volny.cz> Cc: delphij@FreeBSD.ORG> Subject: Re: /etc/login.conf - add czech user login class with locales>> Hello Xin Li,> I found out that last change to login.conf perhaps you have done.> I see Russian user class and definition of lang and mm_char.> Why is there only that one class ?> Is it possible to upadte this file in CVS and add new user class for> czech language ?> czech|Czech Users Accounts:\> :charset=ISO-8859-2:\> :lang=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2:\> :tc=default:According to the CVS annotate, it seems that ache@ has added the Russian user class 9 years ago. It looks like an example to me, though. Actually the previous change I have made against RELENG_6 was a comment change which reduces diff against -HEAD, but frankly I am not an expert in this stuff, so it would probably better if there is someone who is more quantifiable than me to do the CVS operation. Would you please send a patch as PR, so someone can pick up (perhaps also by sending a reminder to -current@)? I guess there were some performance concerns about adding more login classes in the past, but with the newly added NSS caching mechanism things could have changed :-) Cheers, So could somebody give one?s opinion or even commit this change to RELENG_6 and HEAD CVS tree ? Thank you for attention. Daniel