last pid: 747; load averages: 2.69, 1.03, 0.58 up 0+01:40:40 10:14:29 35 processes: 7 running, 28 sleeping CPU states: 58.1% user, 0.0% nice, 38.4% system, 1.1% interrupt, 2.4% idle Mem: 642M Active, 416M Inact, 125M Wired, 112M Buf, 825M Free Swap: 4071M Total, 4071M Free PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 465 mysql 18 20 0 905M 641M kserel 0 39:18 160.64% mysqld 631 root 1 96 0 2424K 1668K CPU1 0 0:02 0.00% top How can mysql use 160%? Is this a reporting bug in top because mysql is threaded?
In the last episode (Aug 15), Mike Jakubik said:> 35 processes: 7 running, 28 sleeping > CPU states: 58.1% user, 0.0% nice, 38.4% system, 1.1% interrupt, 2.4% idle > Mem: 642M Active, 416M Inact, 125M Wired, 112M Buf, 825M Free > Swap: 4071M Total, 4071M Free > > PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND > 465 mysql 18 20 0 905M 641M kserel 0 39:18 160.64% mysqld > 631 root 1 96 0 2424K 1668K CPU1 0 0:02 0.00% top > > How can mysql use 160%? Is this a reporting bug in top because mysql is > threaded?You have multiple CPUs, so a threaded process can theoretically reach 100*ncpus cpu usage. -- Dan Nelson
Dan Nelson wrote:>> How can mysql use 160%? Is this a reporting bug in top because mysql is >> threaded? >> > > You have multiple CPUs, so a threaded process can theoretically reach > 100*ncpus cpu usage. > >Ahh, thats makes sense, thanks.
On 8/16/06, Dan Nelson <> wrote:> > How can mysql use 160%? Is this a reporting bug in top because mysql is > > threaded? > > You have multiple CPUs, so a threaded process can theoretically reach > 100*ncpus cpu usage. > > -- > Dan Nelson > dnelson@allantgroup.comI am seeing this on a UP system too. last pid: 35355; load averages: 0.36, 0.08, 0.03 up 1+12:11:39 12:20:56 205 processes: 3 running, 202 sleeping CPU states: 97.8% user, 0.0% nice, 1.5% system, 0.0% interrupt, 0.7% idle Mem: 122M Active, 52M Inact, 59M Wired, 7808K Cache, 34M Buf, 524K Free Swap: 1024M Total, 40M Used, 984M Free, 3% Inuse PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU COMMAND 35343 www 22 4 0 275M 64620K accept 0:21 271.92% java 767 jabber 1 91 0 8836K 1284K select 7:07 0.00% perl5.8.8 875 pgsql 1 91 0 19880K 1748K select 0:20 0.00% postgres 840 vscan 1 4 0 22892K 18304K accept 0:17 0.00% clamd 4733 www 27 4 0 17428K 3268K kqread 0:10 0.00% httpd -- "Without the userland, the kernel is useless." --inspired by The Tao of Programming