Zoran Kolic <zkolic@sbb.co.yu> wrote:
> I use ethernet connection and don't want
> to tear off the cable every time to make
> dialup on serial modem (or reboot).
> I made those steps:
> # ifconfig nfe0 down
> # route flush
> $ pppd
> Ppp0 goes up, default is made and nothing
> else. The line is dead for traffic. There
> is something I make wrong, but don't know
> what. With fresh reboot, it works fine.
> Should I add more to ifconfig command?
> "Delete" or "destroy" go to mind.
That's correct. A simle "down" will only disable the
interface, but it does not remove the IP address, the
routing entry for that address, any ARP entries
associated with it etc. Otherwise it would not be
easily possible to reset an interface by a "down"-"up"
To undo all effects of the interface configuration, you
have to "delete" all IP addresses from it. In fact, I
think you don't have to set it "down" at all. "delete"
is the important thing ("down" shouldn't hurt, though).
("destroy" is not necessary in this case. It's useful
to remove dynamically created interfaces entirely, e.g.
when using vlan or tunnel interfaces.)
BTW, your question is off-topic here, it rather belongs
to the -questions list.
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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