On 6/10/06, Andrey Melentyev <andrey.melentyev@gmail.com>
wrote:> Hi all!
> I've got a problem with building editors/openoffice-2.0 on my
> I want to control the configure process via knobs, such as WITH_CUPS,
> and some others. When I try to install OOo this way:
> editors/openoffice.org-2.0
> I see right messages about make flags:
> ---> Session started at: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 16:34:58 +0400
> ---> Fresh installation of editors/openoffice.org-2.0 started at: Sat,
10 Jun
> 2006 16:34:58 +0400
> ---> Installing 'openoffice.org-2.0.3rc5' from a port
> (editors/openoffice.org-2.0)
> ---> Build of editors/openoffice.org-2.0 started at: Sat, 10 Jun 2006
> 16:35:03 +0400
> ---> Building '/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0' with make
> But if I put those make flags into /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf, then I get
> message about custom make flags, and if I look
> at /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/work/config_office/config.log, I
> that my make flags are not working properly.
> My pkgtools.conf part:
> ...
> 'editors/openoffice.org-2.0' => [
> ],
> ...
> }
FWIW, I spotted the same problem today. portupgrade -N doesn't pick
up the MAKE_ARGS from pkgtools.conf.
If it's there, and you can see it, it's real.
If it's not there, and you can see it, it's virtual.
If it's there, and you can't see it, it's transparent.
If it's not there, and you can't see it, you erased it.