On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 04:58:05PM +0100, Vlad Manilici
wrote:> Hi Erik,
> On 21.11.04 16:08, Erik Trulsson wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> > It works fine for me (and the file
> > /usr/ports/shells/bash/files/patch-braces.c does not exist in my ports
> > /tree), so I would say it is your fault.
> More information as to where the fault is would be very nice.
> I suppose you also use CVS. From what repository do you check out?
I use CVS to check out from my own local copy of the repository (which
it seems you do too.) I use CVSup to keep my local copy of the
repository updated (cvsuping from cvsup.dk.freebsd.org)
Is there some particular reason you use rsync instead of cvsup to get a
copy the repository?
> > As for why CVS does not work for you it impossible to say without more
> > information. What messages (if any) do CVS give when you try to
> > your tree? How - exactly - do you use CVS to update your tree?
> Syncing the repository (crontab, each night at 02:16):
> /usr/local/bin/rsync -avz rsync.allbsd.org::'freebsd-cvs/doc
freebsd-cvs/ports freebsd-cvs/src' /home/CVS >/var/tmp/rsync.log;
> /usr/sbin/chown -R 0:0 /home/CVS
Since I don't use rsync I have no idea if teh above line is correct or
not. I also have no idea if rsync.allbsd.org is up to date and working
or not, but if it is not it quite likely the cause of your problem.
> Checking out (the ports repository is not branched, is it?):
No it is not.
> % cvs co -R ports
> Updating:
> % cvs up -RP ports
I don't think there is any need to use the '-R' option to those
commands (it is not even documented in the manpage.)
Personally I update using 'cvs update -P -d'
The '-d' flag should probably be used to make sure that any new
directories gets created.
> I attach the rsync log file (rsync.log) and the cvs update log
*Bad* idea. I really do not appreciate getting 2+ MB in a mail, and I
don't think anybody else on the freebsd-stable list does either.
Next time you feel the urge to do something stupid like sending
humongous attachments to in mail (let alone to a public mailing list)
please think again and the files on some web-site or ftp-site instead
and just send an URL. (If for some obscure reason you can't do that,
then at least gzip the files before sending them.)
I didn't see anything obviously wrong in the logs.
<Insert your favourite quote here.>
Erik Trulsson