At 03:19 AM 22/10/2004, Sergey Shyman wrote:>Does anybody use the following RAID controller on 4.10:
>3ware Escalade 7006-2 IDE Raid controller
Yes, we have numerous boxes deployed with various 3ware cards including
that one. All our critical servers running FreeBSD, Linux and Win32 use
these cards.
>Does it have any problems with stability/performance?
It works VERY well for us in both respects on RELENG_4 and RELENG_5.
>It will be used in RAID1 (2 IDE drives) configuration on 4.10-RELEASE
>system (of course with latest patches).
One note, the download info for their web management program
( implies its only available for
the 8000 series card which is false, as it is in fact designed to work with
the 7xxx and 8xxx cards.
Although I havent run into disk compatibility issues, some people have
issues with particular firmwares on certain Maxtor drives. I run mostly
with Segate drives right now, but in the past have run Maxtor, quantum and
Fujitsu, all without problems. YMMV