> I'm new to FreeBSD and is going to setup an server!
I'm sure you're going to have fun.
> 1. Should install appliaction through ports (as newest version)
> or should I do it through package from
Ports. This way you get to build the software with your options [see
make.conf(5) and pkgtools.conf(5)].
First install sysutils/portupgrade:
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade/
# make install
Next, use portupgrade to install and update you packages, eg.
# portupgrade --new --recursive --verbose security/sudo
# portupgrade --new --upward-recursive --recursive --sudo \
--uninstall --verbose --make-env -DWITH_GTK2 www/mozilla-firebird
Note that pkgtools.conf is part of portupgrade, not the base system, and
enables you to do detailed ports configuration and leave make.conf for
global parameters.
> 2. I got kernel 4.9PRERELEASE when I use RELENG_4 in cvsup.
That's because you got your STABLE sources near to a release. The name
changes during this period before going back to "STABLE", however
it's all
still the -STABLE branch. Take a look at the Release Information[1].
> Isn't that more unstable??
More unstable than...? The STABLE branch typically works perfectly for
almost everyone almost all the time. Because the code does change,
occasionally things break - usually at build rather than run time. You're
already subscribed to the right list, so you should have a good idea if
anyone is experiencing any problems.
> Isn't better if I just change to RELENG_4_8 foir nwo until 4.9 gets a
> stable snapshot???
No. The "security" branches exist for folks who install RELEASEs and
want to track -STABLE to get critical fixes. Stick with STABLE.
| -Andrew J. Caines- Unix Systems Engineer |
| "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary |
| safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 |