On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:41 AM, ADNET Ghislain wrote:
> Hello,
> i used puppetd --genmanifest to create a site.pp and it created
> some weird entry:
> file { ''/var/puppet/log'':
> group => ''puppet'',
> loglevel => ''debug'',
> owner => ''puppet'',
> backup => ''false'',
> mode => ''488'',
> ensure => ''directory''
> }
> the mode 488 is strange to me as the maximum i know of is 777, any
> idea why i get this ?
That''s a bug in how the octal mode is getting converted to a string.
It''s fixed in git and will work correctly in the next release.
If you want to correctly convert it, then use ruby -e ''puts
"%o" %
488'' to get the appropriate octal value.
You only have to be open minded if you''re wrong.
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com