On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Rodrigo Cascarrolho <rdgcasca at
gmail.com> wrote:> Hi,
> I new in this list of users and I want to use cruisecontrol.rb with ant. My
> problem is that the return message of ant is "BUILD FAILED", but
the message
> of cruisecontrol is "Build 17251.5 finished SUCCESSFULLY". In my
projetct, I
> write the cruise_config.rb "project.build_command = ''ant
> ./build/Teste.xml''".
If you run your ant command from the command line, what is the value
of the return code ''echo $?'' If it is zero, can you alter
your build
command to print it out? Maybe it is behaving differently under the
ccrb environment.
You can also try it with a dummy ant script that just succeeds or
fails, and see if you get a different behavior.
-- Chad