On 01/14/2012 03:38 PM, Jay R. Worthington wrote:> Hi y'all,
> is there a possibility from within asterisk to write CDR into can
> ical-calendar? Being a (part time) IT-Support-Monkey for almost two
> decades and probably brain-dead since the late 90ties, i usually can't
> remember to whom i've talked to yesterday, let alone a week ago ;). If
> could see the calls as a meeting in outlook/thunderbird, this could be
> extremely helpfull. I guess i can whip up a perl script that read's
> cdr (csv or sql) and send's it to ical, but that would not be as nice
> if asterisk would directly insert a meeting into ical right after the
> call ended... Off course, i used google, but all that turned up was
> hint's how to do cdr, and how to use calendars from the dialplan, but
> not if cdr can directly handle ical...
No, there is no support for storing CDRs into calendars, but you can
certainly use res_calendar from the 'h' extension in your dialplan to
store information about a completed call into a calendar of your
choosing. In fact, I'm pretty sure an example of doing exactly this was
published right after calendar support was added to Asterisk.
Kevin P. Fleming
Digium, Inc. | Director of Software Technologies
Jabber: kfleming at digium.com | SIP: kpfleming at digium.com | Skype: kpfleming
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
Check us out at www.digium.com & www.asterisk.org