On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 8:18 PM, umair iqbal <lists at ruby-forum.com>
wrote:> Hi All
> I am new to rspec. How can I write specs for this class
> Anyone please provide me the detail specs for this class
> thanks
Start by asking yourself what this class does. Then try to come up
with an example. Then, think about what the initial state of this
example is, what happens and what you expect the end result/state to
Now, implement that in a spec.
If all of this sounds hard, there is a more detailed description in
> module Sitemap
> ?class Job
> ? ?def initialize(country_version, directory, country_host)
> ? ? ?@country_version = country_version
> ? ? ?@directory = directory
> ? ? ?@country_host = country_host
> ? ? ?@locale = country_version.name
> ? ?end
> ? ?def get_data
> ? ? ?::Function.find_each(:conditions => {:country_version_id =>
> @country_version.id}) do |function|
> ? ? ? ?::Job.find_each(:conditions => {:country_version_id =>
> @country_version.id, :function_id => function.id}) do |job|
> ? ? ? ? ?I18n.locale=(@locale)
> ? ? ? ? ?yield entry(job)
> ? ? ? ?end
> ? ? ?end
> ? ?end
> ? ?private
> ? ?def entry(job)
> ? ? ?{
> ? ? ? ?:loc =>
> ActionController::Integration::Session.new.url_for(:controller =>
> ''jobs'', :action => ''show'',
:title_urlified_with_job_ref_id =>
> job.title_urlified + "-" + job.id.to_s, :host =>
> ? ? ? ?:changefreq => 0.8,
> ? ? ? ?:priority => ''monthly'',
> ? ? ? ?:lastmod => job.updated_at
> ? ? ?}
> ? ?end
> ?end
> end
> --
> Posted via ruby-forum.com.
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