debian-bugs at
2011-Dec-18 11:19 UTC
[Logcheck-devel] Bug#652538: Please add rule for log2mail
Package: logcheck Version: 1.2.69 The log2mail (0.3.0-2.1) package provides a small daemon for watching logfiles. log2mail will periodically log the following message: Dec 18 00:29:39 host log2mail[30091]: Logfile /path/to/logfile rotated. Listening to new file. The following logcheck rulefile works to filter the messages from the "System Events" email: # cat log2mail ^\w{3} [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ log2mail\[[[:digit:]]+\]: Logfile .* rotated. Listening to new file.$ This bug report is for logcheck 1.2.69 but I have looked at the logcheck package files in wheezy (1.3.14) and it appears log2mail remains unaccounted for. Thanks.