Lukas Hejtmanek schrieb:> Hello,
> I'm using sama 3.0.24 on linux machine that serves a share for a
windows client.
> When editing a file on samba, using MS Word I can see there are severals
> (probably) backup files. ls looks like this:
> Dotaznik1.doc
> ~$taznik1.doc
> ~WRD0000.tmp
> ~WRD0001.tmp
> ~WRD0002.tmp
> ~WRD0003.tmp
> ~WRD0004.tmp
> These files do not disappear after I quit the Word.
> This does not happen if I edit the files locally, the backup files are
created but
> deleted after application quits.
> Is it something samba related?
> the share looks like:
> [uvt]
> comment = UVT For testing
> browseable = yes
> writable = yes
> path = /mnt/export2/smb/UVT
> guest ok = no
> create mask = 0644
> directory mask = 0755
> public = yes
> valid users = some users
these are indeed temporary word files. I think it's a locking issue
although I'm not familiar to this. But as a quick & dirty workaround you
can delete them safely if you're sure the edited files are closed, maybe
in a cron process when the users are logged out and smb is down.
I'm sure there's a lot of samba locking discussion in the web.
cu jth