I am trying to setup one user (r1_01), who should be able to delete all Print-Jobs from the Windows-Print-Queue !! I tried: printer admin = user ( with this at least I see the print jobs in my Windows-Print-Queue - is it really necassary or am I missing something.) and as you can see even admin user under the printers share !! but I don't want to give this user admin rights !! I'm using WINXP, Samba 2.2.2 [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/lpd/kr1 printable = Yes browseable = No ####admin users = r1_01 [print$] path = /usr/local/samba/printer guest ok = Yes browseable = Yes read only = Yes write list = r1_01, olli Thanks in advance !!! Greetings Olli ----------------------------------------------------- BildungsCenter der Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg Fink Olli Schiesst?tte 16 6800 Feldkirch Tel.: 05522/3551-16 Fax: 05522/3551-17 e-mail: mailto:olli.fink@ak-vorarlberg.at -----------------------------------------------------
I don't really understand all you are saying, but: With LPRng, the file /etc/lpd.perms is the configuration file which allows users to do what you want. I am not sure samba can solve this problem, since, is cannot override system settings for permissions. Joel On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 09:34:47AM +0100, Olli Fink wrote:> I am trying to setup one user (r1_01), who should be able to delete > all Print-Jobs from the Windows-Print-Queue !! > I tried: printer admin = user ( with this at least I see > the print jobs in my Windows-Print-Queue - is it really necassary > or am I missing something.) > and as you can see even admin user under the printers share !! > but I don't want to give this user admin rights !! > > > I'm using WINXP, Samba 2.2.2 >