Here's the scoop, Well Jeremy and I found the bug last night. Unfortunately it will not be fixed soon. The problem is a bug in our client side code wrt oversized PDUs. When the needed size > MAX_PDU_SIZE in a parsing struct, we need to fragment the PDU and use SMBwrite instead of a single SMBtrans. Fortunately, this has not gotten us into big trouble yet. Jeremy knows how to fix it, but it will not be easy. For now rpcclient will just have to stay as it is. We'll keep working on it, but it won't be fixed for the 2.2.1 release is fairly certain. Cheers, jerry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services \/ VA Linux Systems SAMBA Team "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home." - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )