"Oliver Schulze L." wrote:>
> Hi,
> I have a server running Linux RedHat 6.2 + updates and samba 2.0.7
> Y have samba running as a PDC and many Win98 clients.
> Y have a 'TMP' share like the /tmp en Linux.
> The problem is that if I login with the same user in two machines, and
> then copy a file to the 'TMP' share, files from that share are
> deleted.
> First I think this was a problem with 'move' operation from windows
> explorer,
> but now I have confirmed that this hapend in the situation described
> above.
> Anyone is having this same issue?
> It's ok to login as the same user in two Windows98 clients?
If the share exists on the /tmp directory on the Linux box, Linux is
probably deleting the files.
Unlike Windows, /tmp on Linux/Unix is serious about temp files. Many
systems will delete the contents of this directory on a regular basis.
I don't know why the default location for shares is /tmp. That really
isn't a good idea if you ask me. Something more like /usr/share/samba
(on a BSD system anyway) would make more sense. Personally, on
production boxes I make a completely seperate partition called /data and
put all my shared data there (it's nice for backups as well!)
Try putting the share somewhere other than /tmp and see if the files
stick around.