I am sorry abaut my very bad english... But i NEED HELP!!!! I am trying to install Samba 2.07 on my FreeBSD 3.4 Pentium 100. When i start ./configure script, he stop with error: NO RANDOM OR SRANDOM ROUTINE... What abaut he say? How can i resolve this problem? Anybody HELP ME PLEASE!!!! Thank You for attantion!!! With best regards from Vitaly ZHivulin from Russia!!! -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
I am sorry abaut my very bad english... But i NEED HELP!!!! I am trying to install Samba 2.07 on my FreeBSD 3.4 Pentium 100. When i start ./configure script, he stop with error: NO RANDOM OR SRANDOM ROUTINE... What abaut he say? How can i resolve this problem? Anybody HELP ME PLEASE!!!! Thank You for attantion!!! With best regards from Vitaly ZHivulin from Russia!!! -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed