Hi I have put a lot of Linux systems together using various versions of Redhat. I currently use Redhat 6.1 and I have just installed Redhat 6.2. My Samba shares will not work any more . I am trying to attach from an NT box using security = server in the smb.conf file in /etc. This has always worked until now. In the /var/log/samba files I find an error in the smb.log file. This error says lib/access.c:check_access. What has happened? Have I set some thing up incorrectly? Testparm shows no errors but when I run smbclient -L mylinuxbox test no 3 I have a protocol negotiation failed error or a not listening error. Inetd seems ok. Please help Geoff Geoff Clulow gclulow@csu.edu.au Ph 02-6338-4158 Mob 0428-635-042 Fax 02-6338-4181