> ------------------------------
> Hi all,
> I´m trying to compile the 2.0.5 version in a HP-UX 10.20 server (the
> equipament is a D). I don´t have many experience in to compile softwares.
> Well, I have been tried to compile with a little adjusts, that I was found
> in the Samba book "Integrating UNIX and Windows". After moments,
the message
> returned by compiler is:
> ..
> cchecking configure summary
> ERROR: No locking available. Running Samba would be unsafe
> configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
> I know sometimes the soluction is not very easy, but if anybody could help
> me....
Hmmm, sounds familiar. If i'm not mistaken i got that same message when i
to compile samba with a native HP compiler. I needed to install 4 things:
- a decent C-compiler: gcc 2.8.1
- binutils 2.9.1
And two patches, the latter might be obsoleted ba a patch bundle:
PHCO_18575 B.10.00.00.AA sed(1) cumulative patch.
PHKL_8693 B.10.00.00.AA sys/time.h fix for select(2)/C++ defects (700
hardware, take a look at the HP support site for the right patch for D-class
hardware (800))
before you compile do a
export CC=<path to gcc>
and try again
Reinout Wijnveen
"All who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand"