I've been trying to get samba to see the shares on a win98 box without success. I upgraded samba to 2.0.6-2 to see if that made a difference. I still have the same problem but I now have a little more info. Here's the full command and response: gerry@leopard:~ > smbclient -L cs198787-a added interface ip= bcast= nmask= session request to CS198787-A failed (Called name not present) session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Called name not present) What does the "Called name not present" actually mean? BTW, the server passes all the tests in DIAGNOSTICS.TXT and can happily be seen by the win98 box in neighborhood networks. The server can also see another WFWg 3.11 box. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Gerry Doris <gdoris@home.com> Date: 29-Nov-99 Time: 10:05:18 "The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer ----------------------------------
Hi, The 'called name not present' indicates that the called name (ie the netbios name that you are TRYING to connect to) is not present on the network; that is, he did a broadcast using that netbios name, and noone answered (i suspect). If you use the following form of the command: smbclient -L cs198787-a -d 10 (to get a level 10 debug) you might get further information as to what is happening, specifically what methods you are set up to use to resolve host names... for instance: smbclient -L sweetee -d 10 .. .. .. Derived broadcast address Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Client started (version 2.0.5a). resolve_name: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name sweetee<0x20> startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/opt/samba/lmhosts. Error was No such file or directory resolve_name: Attempting host lookup for name sweetee<0x20> Connecting to at port 139 hope this helps, Don
Hi Gerry, The fact that you are actually connecting to port 139 on and sending a session request lets us know that your netbios name resolution is working. As Jerry implied in his message, this begins to look more like a refusal of service from the Win98 box. The Win98 box IS listening on port 139, or you would have gotten an error connecting in the first place; one thing that occurs to me is perhaps a duplicate ip address? some other smb type of box (they would all listen on 139), if you resolved the name to and the WRONG box picked it up, would reply that the called name was not present... A couple of ways to test this: 1. shutdown you win98 box at and do the smbclient -L test again - you should get a different error in trying to connect to If NOT, then a dup ip is a good bet. 2. As Jerry suggested, make sure that some OTHER machine CAN connect to the shares on the Win98 box. 3. One other thought; since you are getting your name resolution from a lmhosts file rather than a broadcast netbios resolution, perhaps there is a misspelling in the lmhosts file, or the name on the win98 box is different than what you think? This would have the same effect; you would be specifying a netbios name in the smbclient -L command; the netbios name would be associated with the ip address from the lmhosts file, but when the session request was received by the Win98 box, if the netbios name is wrong, you would see this kind of error. Perhaps (since both the client and the server are on the same subnet) temporarily change the smb.conf variable "name resolve order" to not use anything BUT bcast (ie name resolve order = bcast) (default is lmhosts host wins bcast), and see if the win98 client responds to a broadcast with the name you are using. Hope this helps, Don
Don/Jerry, I would like to thank you for your help. Thanks to you and some others I was able to track this sucker down and get it working. The problem was in network setup on the win98 box. I have two nic's in the system and it appears the binding was not correct between the cards. The win98 box was listening on port 139 alright but it was refusing to provide shares. I blew away (again!) the network setup and (again!) redid but very, very carefully this time...and it worked!!!! BTW, I get mail from this list in a digest form. How can I change this to real time. I work better in real time instead of batch!!!>Gerry, > >Can you access the file share from another machine? Meaning >has the file shareing services on the Windows 98 machine been >changed by anyone? Are you running any other protocols than >TCP/IP? > > > > >Cheers, >jerry---------------------------------- E-Mail: Gerry Doris <gdoris@home.com> Date: 30-Nov-99 Time: 18:41:29 "The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer ----------------------------------
Hi, You can change from digest to real time by going to this site and entering your exact email address: http://lists.samba.org/cgi-bin/weblist?list=SAMBA Then click on the highlighted link with your name in it, and supply the password that you got when you subscribed to the list (if you don't have it you can have it emailed to you). And follow instructions from there. Hope this helps, Don