On 13 Mar 99, Kevin Elliott <knight13@slip.net> had questions about
NT user == 2 unix users:
> I have files on my FreeBSD machine owned by a user "admin", and
> "files". Now, while my user "knight" on my NT machine
can access these
> files because it is in the files group, I do not have permissions set to
> read/write for the group, only the user.
> However, I would like to allow ONLY my NT login "knight" to act
as admin,
> but while maintaining it's identity as knight.
> How can I go about this so that knight can be both knight and admin?
How about this? If the files are on their own share, then valid
users = knight will make the share visible only to knight. Force
user = admin will change the file access to admin. I assume the NT
admin account is called administrator and not admin. This should
work in both user and share level security mode.
I haven't actually tried it, but it sounds good :)
Steve Arnold http://www.rain.org/~sarnold
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