Why not just disable the election process on the NT boxes? Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters Set: IsDomainMaster:REG_SZ:FALSE MaintainServerList:REG_SZ:NO If nothing else, this will end the election traffic and assist in further diagnoses. Michael J Welker Jr>------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 16:11:45 -0800 (PST) >From: Peter Stoddard <stoddard@empm.cdpr.ca.gov> >To: samba@samba.anu.edu.au >Subject: browser problem >Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.981026155519.1535E-100000@empm.cdpr.ca.gov> > >The browsing capability in Network Neighborhood disppears periodically. >Usually, double-clicking on Network Neighborhood gives us a list of all >the NT and Unix/samba boxes on the network segment (i.e. in the >Workgroup). When browsing disppears, all we see is *Entire Network*, >which has nothing in it. > >We run a unix/NT network with 6 unix servers and about 80 NT clients. We >are running NT Workstation 4.0 SP3 only ... not NT Server. All unix >servers run Solaris 2.5/2.6 and Samba 1.9.18p10 with encrypted passwords >enabled. Here is my smb.conf for our main file server. I have enabled >preferred master on this one server, and increased the OS level on all >unix servers to values ranging from 45 to 50. > >Restarting a unix server solves the problem temporarily, but it returns >after a few days or a week. > >********************snip******************* > >When I run smbclient -L for any of the unix servers, here are the last few >lines: > >**************snip*************** > >This machine has a browse list: > >Server Comment >--------- ------- >EMPM Samba 1.9.18p10 on empm > >This machine has a workgroup list: > >Workgroup Master >--------- ------- >WORKGROUP JOHNSON > >**************snip************** > >Note JOHNSON is one of the NT Workstation clients. > >My hypothesis is that these NT clients are participating in master browser>elections, and they are winning the elections, becoming the master browser >and then cannot actually perform the duties of master browser. Based on >this hypothesis I have tried to skew the elections in favor of the unix >boxes with higher OS levels and by enabling preferred master on one of >them. It doesn*t seem to be working. > >Restarting one of the unix serves solves the problem. Browsing returns to >the network neighborhood and smbclient -L servername results in the >following: > >**************snip************ > >This machine has a workgroup list: > >Workgroup Master >--------- ------- >WORKGROUP EMPM > >**************snip************ > >Now the main file server *empm* is seen as the *Master* (Master Browser?). >As I mentioned before, browsing has returned to the network neighborhood. > >Is my hypothesis correct? If so, how can I get my servers to win the >browser elections? > >Peter Stoddard <stoddard@empm.cdpr.ca.gov> >System Administrator >Environmental Monitoring and Pest Management Branch >California Department of Pesticide Regulation >(916) 730-0490, (916) 324-4168 or (916) 324-4078 > > >------------------------------