Hi, I enabled password encryption and NT clients were able to connect. However, Windows 95 users were not able to connect any more unless they use smbpassword to reset the password (it's not an acceptable solution for our environment). If I used "update encrypted = yes", "encrypt passwords" then Windows 95 users can login with NIS password but not for NT users. How to use encrypted passwords for both NT and windows 95 automatically? Thanks! -- ''''' ,_ o > (o o) / //\, < ___ooO-(_)-Ooo_____________________________\>>_|____> Winnie.Lin@sv.sc.philips.com (408)991-4647 \\, <
Help!! Our Samba server is a Silicon Graphics Octane running version 2.0.0. This Octane resides on an NT domain. The majority of the nodes on this domain are NT workstations. Password authentication to get into the Octane is done through NIS. Password authentication to get into the NT workstation is done through an NT server. Currently we are accessing the Samba server from an NT workstation by authenticating through the NT server (security=server). The usernames for the Octane and the NT workstations are different. Therefore we are using a username map. I want to implement "password encryption" on the Samba server so that I can authenticate to the Octane. I have attempted to implement this feature but have been unsuccessfull. I created the encryption file and then used smbpasswd to change the password for a specific user. I am attempting to access the shares on the Samba server from an NT 4.0 Workstation. It almost acts like the Samba server is not recieving the correct username. I have been testing the encrypted password feature by using smbclient, thereby telling the Samba server EXACTLY what the username is. Here is the following error I get when I attempt to connect to the Samba server using "encrypted passwords". session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.) Either the Samba server does not recognize the username/password combination, or NT 4.0 is passing the wrong username/password comination to the Samba server. I would really appreciate anybody's help on this issue. Good day. Steve A.
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