Hello All: I have sucessfully gotten Samba running with NT 4.0 SP3 across 2 NT workstations an a Sun Ultra running Solaris 2.6. We can share files, no problem. We have the latest version of Samba 1.9.18p4. Printing: problem. We've tried a bunch of things: NT sees the printer, it can even watch it spool when a unix-side user prints to it. But, if we try to print from NT, printing to the unix printer or dragging files onto it we get cryptic errors. Can't write to directory, operation failed, etc. We've followed all the instructions and we even have the Samba book! The spool directory is set up right, printer working.... Any ideas? Thanks! -- William C. Regli, Ph.D. wregli@mcs.drexel.edu Drexel University http://www.mcs.drexel.edu/~wregli Mathematics and Computer Science Tel: + 1 (215) 895 - 6827 32nd and Chestnut Streets Fax: + 1 (215) 895 - 1582 Philadelphia, PA 19104