Hi, yesterday I switched from 1.9.17p5 to 1.9.18p3. I ran across the following problem: I'm running Samba in share-level security. After upgrading samba wanted an authentication for every new connection I made. Even worse it didn't prompt me for a password when trying to print but denied the request with an 'invalid username/passwd' error. Going back to 17p5 solved the problem immediately (same smb.conf) Im running Samba on HP-UX10.20 and I'm using WinCenter 3.0.31 (WinNT 3.51) as a client (no passwd-encryption) Any hints? Rainer P.S.: Seems a litte bit like the behavior I knew when using user-level security without encrypted passwords -- _ _ _ _ _ _ RAINER HAUCK |\/| |\ | |\/| Institut fuer Informatik / Dept. of CS | | | \| | | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich ======= TEAM ======= Oettingenstr. 67, 80538 Munich, Germany Munich Network Management Team Room D01,Phone +49-89-2178-2155,Fax-2262 Muenchner Netz-Management Team email: hauck@informatik.uni-muenchen.de