Hello, I've got a problem with errors showing up in the syslog from nmbd. Besides the errors, everything works great. I'm running 1.9.18p2 on linux with syslog support enabled. I think the problem is related to the fact that the machine samba is running on, has the address of what used to be a wins server. I'm guessing that some machines around the office are still set to use it as their wins server but it would not be easy for me to hunt them all down. Here's the error I am getting in syslog, I changed the IP address to x's: nmbd[26709]: process_name_refresh_request: uni cast name registration request received for name DIALUP-1<00> from IP xxx.xxx.xx.xxx on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET. Error - should be sent to WINS server Any ideas on how to get nmbd to stop logging this? It usually gets a few hundred of these lines every few hours. Thanks, Dave
On Fri, 13 Feb 1998 03:46:31 +1100, you wrote:>Hello, > I've got a problem with errors showing up in the syslog from nmbd. >Besides the errors, everything works great. I'm running 1.9.18p2 on linux >with syslog support enabled. I think the problem is related to the fact >that the machine samba is running on, has the address of what used to be a >wins server. I'm guessing that some machines around the office are still >set to use it as their wins server but it would not be easy for me to hunt >them all down. Here's the error I am getting in syslog, I changed the >IP address to x's: > >nmbd[26709]: process_name_refresh_request: uni cast name registration >request received for name DIALUP-1<00> from IP xxx.xxx.xx.xxx on subnet >UNICAST_SUBNET. Error - should be sent to WINS server > >Any ideas on how to get nmbd to stop logging this? It usually gets >a few hundred of these lines every few hours. >You'll need to change the source a little bit to stop Samba putting out these particular messages, as follows: open nmbd_incomingrequests.c, find all occurances of 'should be sent to WINS' and change the DEBUG(0 just before to specify a higher debug level eg DEBUG(2 this will force the messages only to be printed out when you specify that you want debugging to be at level 2. Hope this is of help, Simon Hyde ----------------------------------------------------------- With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available. On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
David Hubbard wrote:> > > nmbd[26709]: process_name_refresh_request: uni cast name registration > request received for name DIALUP-1<00> from IP xxx.xxx.xx.xxx on subnet > UNICAST_SUBNET. Error - should be sent to WINS server > > Any ideas on how to get nmbd to stop logging this? It usually gets > a few hundred of these lines every few hours. >Dave, Find machine at IP address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx and change it's WINS server address to stop pointing at the Samba machine logging the error. Hope this helps, Jeremy Allison, Samba Team. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Buying an operating system without source is like buying a self-assembly Space Shuttle with no instructions. --------------------------------------------------------