On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Steven Levine <steve53 at earthlink.net>
wrote:> In <CAAykW6mMRiTVqt0KrrcgYiwNvz7kjHNQC76=rJc+c=+Qpg3b3Q at
> on 09/16/11
> ? at 07:34 PM, Robert Parker <rlp1938 at gmail.com> said:
> HI Robert,
> The paths in your --include-from file must be relative to $fromdir.
> In general, this is true of all paths other than paths specified on the
> command line.
> The paths on the command line effectively create logic roots and the other
> paths will be relative to these paths.
Thank you Steven,
The revised script part:
nice -n 15 rsync -av --include-from="/home/bob/backup_includes" \
--exclude=".*" "$fromdir" "$todir"
and backup_files:
And my backup script is now doing exactly what I want it to do.
Bob Parker
> Steven
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" <steve53 at earthlink.net> ?eCS/Warp/DIY
> www.scoug.com www.ecomstation.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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