On 2007-06-06 14:53, Dave Markham wrote:> Yeah you can stop banner messages and the like its the ssh which is doing
> it.
> I use the following for my rsync.
> # [ Binary Vars ]
> RSYNC_BIN=$(/usr/bin/which rsync)
> RSYNC_OPTS=" -PaRzq --delete --delete-excluded --copy-unsafe-links
> --numeric-ids"
> SSH_BIN=$(/usr/bin/which ssh)
> SSH_OPTS=" -i ${NOVAB_LOC_SSH_KEY} -o ConnectTimeout=15 -o
BatchMode=yes -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=quiet"
> and then use the variables when invoking rsync. I think the option which
> stops the banner is LogLevel=quiet
Yepp, puting "LogLevel quiet" in ~/.ssh/config did the trick. Thank
very much.
> On 6/6/07, dentarg@starkast.net <dentarg@starkast.net> wrote:
>> Is there a way to omit the text printed out by issue(5) on some
>> systemes? Like what --no-motd does for motd-texts.
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