Hi I have to make a backup of a filesystem on a solaris machine. I try to do that with rsync. rsync -av svboss::/mondis/* . But for some files I get the message no permission. What do I wrong ? The rsync Server is startet with the user root. When I make the rsync from another system to this server to get some files which user does I have then on the system where the server is running ? Am I there with root or nobody ? Regards Marcel
On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 10:42:28AM +0200, Marcel Buck wrote:> But for some files I get the message no permission.Check the log file (typically syslog) to see why it is rejecting the connection. It may be a host exclusion or a password problem. Also, make sure that any password/secret files you've created have a newline (or CR+LF) at the end (only the CVS version of rsync allows these files to end without an end-of-line character at the end). ..wayne..