Hello, I am trying to set up a rsync backup server. So far I have it working with my linux machines. I am now trying to get it to work with OSX.2. From my backup server i am executing "rsync --delete --progress --stats -avRe ssh --exclude=/Volumes/ --numeric-ids client.mydomain" and using an ssh key with the command="rsync --server --sender -vlogDtprR --delete --numeric-ids . /" I keep getiing an "unexpected tag 25" error. Does anybodyu know what tag25 is? or where i could find out? I have tried the command without the command= in the key to make sure it wasn't the problem. The strange thing is that when i run the same command above, but instead of trying to backup / i do /Users/, it works. i.e. "rsync --delete --progress --stats -avvvRe ssh --exclude=/Volumes/ --numeric-ids client.physics.ucla.edu:/Users/ /mn$ I am running the job as root on both machines. Could this error have something to do with the HFS filesystem? Any ideas? Thanks, Michael
Sorry for the identical post, I got confused and thought the first one didn't go through. Anyways, I'm sitll working on it. I have tried the #undef HAVE_SET_GROUPS hack, and now make check passes, but i still get the ame error: expand file_list to 512000 bytes, did move expand file_list to 512000 bytes, did not move unexpected tag 25 rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(315) I was thinking my problem might be similar to Steve Dekorte's. If your still out there, was there something else you had to do in addition to the HAVE_SET_GROUPS hack? Thanks, Michael Fairchild On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 09:29:39PM -0700, Michael Fairchild wrote:> Hello, I am trying to set up a rsync backup server. So far I have it working with my linux machines. > I am now trying to get it to work with OSX.2. > From my backup server i am executing "rsync --delete --progress --stats -avRe ssh --exclude=/Volumes/ --numeric-ids > client.mydomain" > and using an ssh key with the command="rsync --server --sender -vlogDtprR --delete --numeric-ids . /" > I keep getiing an "unexpected tag 25" error. Does anybodyu know what tag25 is? or where i could find out? > I have tried the command without the command= in the key to make sure it wasn't the problem. > The strange thing is that when i run the same command above, but instead of trying to backup / i do /Users/, it works. > i.e. "rsync --delete --progress --stats -avvvRe ssh --exclude=/Volumes/ --numeric-ids > client.physics.ucla.edu:/Users/ /mn$ > I am running the job as root on both machines. Could this error have something to do with the HFS filesystem? > Any ideas? > Thanks, > Michael > > -- > To unsubscribe or change options: http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync > Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
Oh well, still the same "unexpected tag 25.":( Thanks for the help tho. If i could even figure out what unexpected tag 25 means, it might help. I tried to grep through all the source code for "tag 25" with no luck. arghhh... I really thought rsync would be the perfect centerpiece to my networks backup needs, but i guess i might need to give up pretty soon and try something else. Thanks again for the response, Michael Fairchild> Here you go. Don't forget to copy it to /usr/bin . > > Cheers, > Steve > Io, a small language: http://www.iolanguage.com/
Hello again, I have finally got it working, partially anyhow. I still can't initiate a connection from the server, but it does work if i initiate the connection at the mac client. I just needed to exclude troublesome directories from the rsync tree. this is the commad that worked: rsync --exclude "/dev*" --exclude "/private/tmp*" --exclude "/Network*" --exclude "/Volumes*" --exclude "/private/var/run*" --delete -vvaR -e ssh /. "kegerator:/mnt/keg1/backups/maser/current/" --stats Anyways, i am very glad to finally have this working. Thanks for the help, -Michael Fairchild