This is the first time I've had to post about a problem with wine that I couldnt fix. I just recently upgraded to a TNT2 from a dual Voodoo2 rig. I'm running Wine on Slackware 7.1, kernel 2.2.18 from, Xfree4.01 from slackware source. and NVIDIAs latest drivers. I'm getting a odd problem with wine trying to load when I set Tribes to use OpenGL. This doesnt happen every time I run wine only every once and a while. I am using the OpenGL32.DLL from WinME for tribes as the NVidia one wont load. When I load tribes up in software mode it runs in a window using DDraw-X11 with no problems. I had to remove a few lines of code in the winsock and Dsound sources to get rid of a debug message that was lagging the navigation of the game. Anyway whenever I try to run Tribes in OpenGL I get a error saying that it cant change the display mode of the X server and to try and put X win that mode beforehand. Well I've tried it at 800x600 in both 15bpp and 16bpp. I never had the problem with Glide and Wine, tribes would just load right up and i could play. Output is attached below -------------------------------------------------------------- bash-2.04# wine Tribes.exe fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x60a620,1) - no error checking or testing yet fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown VxD DINPUT.VXD. Try --winver nt40 or win31 ! fixme:dsound:IDirectSoundImpl_SetCooperativeLevel (0x40387248,00000150,2):stub fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoA Unimplemented action: 3 (SPI_GETMOUSE) fixme:dsound:IDirectSoundImpl_SetCooperativeLevel (0x40387248,00000150,2):stub fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoA Unimplemented action: 3 (SPI_GETMOUSE) fixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA (0x40576a68,0x00000004), stub flags=FULLSCREEN, fixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA width=800 fixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA height=600 fixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA (Putting X in this mode beforehand might help) err:opengl:X11DRV_DescribePixelFormat Wrong pixel format ! fixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA ((nil),0x00000000), stub flagsfixme:system:ChangeDisplaySettingsA devmode=NULL (return to default mode) err:seh:EXC_DefaultHandling Unhandled exception code c000013a flags 10 addr 0x402f0562 bash-2.04# bash-2.04# --------------------------------------------------------------