Eugene Vilensky
2009-Aug-20 20:14 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
Hello, What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a helpdesk call. What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with minimal hassle? Thanks! -Eugene
Ron Loftin
2009-Aug-20 20:30 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 15:14 -0500, Eugene Vilensky wrote:> Hello, > > What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force > attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I > like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts > are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a > helpdesk call.Along with DenyHosts, consider the SSH server options "AllowGroups" and "AllowUsers" to specify the users/groups allowed to connect. My experience is that this will deal with the majority of brute-force attacks, since many of these target "known" user accounts ( "root", "daemon", etc. ) as well as "common names" ( joe, jane, etc. ). If an attempt is made to log in with a user name not specified by the "AllowGroups" or "AllowUsers" options, the ssh server will reject it as an "invalid user" and throw the connection on the floor, which seems to lighten the load for DenyHosts. Refer to "man sshd_config" for more info. For myself, with a pretty small user population, I just create a group called "sshusers" ( of course, the name can be whatever you choose ) and put users in that group who need SSH access from outside. As always, YMMV. ;>> > What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with > minimal hassle? > > Thanks! > > -Eugene > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at > Ron Loftin reloftin at "God, root, what is difference ?" Piter from UserFriendly
Kai Schaetzl
2009-Aug-20 21:31 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
Eugene Vilensky wrote on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:14:58 -0500:> What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force > attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I > like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts > are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a > helpdesk call.Google for SSH rate-limiting. Kai -- Kai Sch?tzl, Berlin, Germany Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:
Oliver Ransom
2009-Aug-21 01:42 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
On 21/08/2009, at 5:44 AM, Eugene Vilensky wrote:> Hello, > > What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force > attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I > like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts > are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a > helpdesk call. > > What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with > minimal hassle?As an additional question to the above, would forcing users to log in with SSH keys rather than passwords avoid requiring any anti brute force attack measures to be put in place? Thanks, Oliver> > Thanks! > > -Eugene > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at >
J.Witvliet at MINDEF.NL
2009-Aug-21 14:12 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eugene Vilensky Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:15 PM To: CentOS mailing list Subject: [CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks Hello, What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a helpdesk call. What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with minimal hassle? Hi Eugene, Depends on the number of users (as you mentioned "mutisuser" ) And how strong you want your system to be protected. If its not a couple of thousands, i would suggest: Disabling password-login alltogether, and use keys only. On the other hand, you can also demand that all connection must be made by using a vpn-connection (openvpn/ipsec). After that you can be assured that any attempt is from a local user. Both are a much stronger protection than allow/deny or firewall-mechanisms Hans ______________________________________________________________________ Dit bericht kan informatie bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De Staat aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt met risico's verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten. This message may contain information that is not intended for you. If you are not the addressee or if this message was sent to you by mistake, you are requested to inform the sender and delete the message. The State accepts no liability for damage of any kind resulting from the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of messages.
David G. Miller
2009-Aug-21 20:03 UTC
[CentOS] protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
Eugene Vilensky <evilensky at ...> writes:> > Hello, > > What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force > attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I > like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts > are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a > helpdesk call. > > What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with > minimal hassle? > > Thanks! > > -Eugene >I found that moving sshd to listening on a non-standard port cut back significantly on the number of brute force attacks I was getting. Obviously, this doesn't do anything to really protect your system from a brute force attack. Some of the other response had some fairly good suggestions for preventing brute force attacks. I was seeing several such attacks each week and frequently more than one a day until I moved my ssh port. What this mainly does is cut down on the number of script-kiddie attacks. The problem is that the script-kiddie attacks cause so much noise that they potentially hide someone attacking you who you really need to be concerned about. If the port/service is open, you really want to be able to monitor it and cutting down on the noise helps. Cheers, Dave