also sprach Zak B. Elep <zakame at> [2009.09.13.1026
+0200]:> I'm quite a fan of logcheck and have been using it since setting up my
> sites, and I recently saw madduck's call for help on logcheck at
> debaday.[0] How can I help?
Depends on the level of involvement, nature of what you want to do,
and available time:
- bug triaging, committing patches, writing and committing filters
- preparing new releases
- working on bugs related to the logcheck script itself
- implementing macros, e.g. so that rules files are pre-processed
and I can use @IPV4_ADDRESS@ in place of the dozens of different
regexps floating around, which are used to match IPv4 addresses.
Let me know your alioth username so I can give you write access to
the (Git) repo.
.''`. martin f. krafft <madduck at d.o> Related projects:
: :' : proud Debian developer
`. `'`
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"not the truth in whose possession any man is, or thinks he is, but
the honest effort he has made to find out the truth, is what
constitutes the worth of man."
-- gotthold lessing
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