>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 09:18:36AM +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
>> About two weeks ago there was a thread about asterisk suddenly dying
>> - I posted a response that the same happens to my asterisk about once
>> a month, sometimes more.
>> Someone suggested using 'safe_asterisk' (and get hold of a core
>> which sounds like a good idea, but one thing I can't figure is how
>> get "module reload app_queue" executed automatically at
>> All modules are loaded at startup. Why would you need a reload?
>To be honest I don't remember any more, I just know my queueing
work unless I reload. I think it's a timing issue at startup - that
app_queue gets loaded too early or something. ah, >here is my question
about the same, but back in 2007:
Add to below to end of modules.conf, your app_queue is loading before
your extensions are available causing static agents to say (Invalid)
when you do a show queue. A normal "reload" reloads modules in correct
sequence. This resolves permanently.
load => pbx_config.so
load => chan_local.so
load => chan_sip.so
load => app_queue.so
Rudi Oosthuizen
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