2009-Aug-01 08:54 UTC
[asterisk-users] Aug 1 & 16- Global VOIP Free SW HW Culture meeting, BerkeleyTIP, For Forwarding
Hack the new asterisk server - see below: Interested in joining the friendly global Free SW HW & Culture communities in a global Voice meeting? You?re invited. :) You can join from your home, or better: get a local meeting together. Tip: a college WiFi cafe could be a great local meeting place. Make sure you have a VOIP headset! For all details, see the website (I?m leaving out many sublinks to make this email smaller). Start by joining #berkeleytip on IRC We?ll help you get your VOIP connection working. :) ===== MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 1st Sat & 3rd Sunday each month. August 1 & 16. 10A - 6P Pacific US time (+7H GMT, IIRC) = 1P-9P Eastern US time = 5P - 1A GMT ? Or, come to the local meeting on the UC Berkeley campus. NOTE: SPECIAL LOCATION AUG 1: SEE BTIP WEBSITE FOR LOCATION, & RSVP TO ME OR THE BTIP LISTS. AUG 1 MEETING WILL BE 12N - 3P AT THE BTIP VOIP SERVER LOCATION ON THE UCB CAMPUS. SEE THE WEBSITE FOR ROOM LOCATION. We?ll hack on the new BTIP Asterisk VOIP server, in its presence. PLEASE RSVP TO ME (John) OR THE LIST IF YOU WANT TO MEET AT OUR USUAL LOCATION, THE FREE SPEECH CAFE, 10A-12n, 3-6PM, (otherwise i might not be there). ===== MEETING TOPICS FOR AUGUST: 1) Whatever _you_ want to work on - Email the BTIPGlobal list & let us know what your interests are. 2) Our VOIP conference server, using Asterisk. 3) Planning for year 2. ===== JOIN FOR THE START OF YEAR 2 GLOBAL MEETINGs: We had a great first year. We had local attendees from around the San Francisco Bay Area & Northern California. High School, College, Grad Students, & working & retired people attended.