On Tuesday 28 April 2009 15:35:14 --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:> HI,
> I am trying to setup CDR with ODBC and MySQL but get the following error :-
> [Apr 28 21:30:01] ERROR[14567]: cdr_odbc.c:133 odbc_log: Unable to retrieve
> database handle. CDR failed.
> I can successfully connect with iSQL so ODBCINST and ODBC ini files must be
> okay. I have modified /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf to include :-
> [global]
> dsn=asterisk
> username=asterisk
> password=*******
> ;loguniqueid=yes
> ;dispositionstring=yes
> table=cdr ;"cdr" is default table name
> usegmtime=yes ; set to "yes" to log in GMT
> What am I doing wrong please ?
If you read UPGRADE.txt, you'd know that cdr_odbc.conf now refers to pooled
connections in res_odbc.conf. It's an extra layer of indirection, but it
ensures that all ODBC connections in Asterisk are using the same set of
pooled connections with error correction and whatnot.