Dear all,
I am doing an interop testing with asterisk- now, and I have a
question about the G.726 codec on asterisk.
While my IAD supportes G.726-16,24,32 and 40 codecs, when doing a testing
about G.726-40, I found that asterisk removed the G.72-40 sdp attrib when
transmitting the INVITE with SDP.
I modified sip.conf in order to solve the problem, G.726-32 is ok when
allow=g726, but allow=g726-40 brings nothing.
So I searched internet about the codec supporting in astersk, and found
there is no certain words about it.
following are some references:
said that "Asterisk currently supports the 32kbps standard only", but
find anything about the asterisk version
said that "G.726 - 32kbps in Asterisk 1.0.3, 16/24/32/40kbps in CVS HEAD;
flawed until Asterisk 1.4 which corrected the implementation and introduced
g726aal2 for backwards compatibility with Asterisk 1.2 installations ",
the article I find that 16/24/32/40 maybe already supported in astersik, but
how to config it?
My questions:
1. G.726 16/24/32/40 supported in asterisk-
2. If supporeted, how to configurate?
Le'an Liu
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