I had two definitions in sip.conf like: [geishp64_to_mpgeisjhome1] username=geishp64_to_mpgeisjhome1 secret=26 characters long host=x.y.z.1 [geishp64_to_mpgeisjhome2] username=geishp64_to_mpgeisjhome2 secret=26 characters long host=x.y.z.1 When I had BOTH of the above defines in sip.conf seems like 1.4.21 was getting confused on which one to use. auth didnt match was there error I saw. However, if I remove the second entry everything works as expected. (but I do want two, or more entries for testing). Is there a name length limit on username, secret or [X]? Is it an issue that both connections are to the same IP address or host or are my names to long? I thought everything was 256? Thanks, Jerry