Hi Steve.
I'm still trying the same because I'm interested in the subject.
For what I can understand the ExtenSpy application is working properly
if the selected extension receives a call. Seems not working, instead,
if the selected extension originates the call.
My actual setup is like that:
Ext12(Soggiorno) <==> Ext13(Camera)
Ext911-> ExtSpy(12)
Here is the log when the 13 calls the 12 and 911 is called by an other
phone (StudioAV):
-- Executing [12 at from-sip:1] Dial("SIP/Camera-08231e60",
"SIP/Soggiorno") in new stack
-- Called Soggiorno
-- SIP/Soggiorno-082560f8 is ringing
-- SIP/Soggiorno-082560f8 answered SIP/Camera-08231e60
-- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/Camera-08231e60 and SIP/Soggiorno-082560f8
-- Executing [911 at from-sip:1] ExtenSpy("SIP/StudioAV-0822f350",
"12") in new stack
-- <SIP/StudioAV-0822f350> Playing 'beep' (language
-- <SIP/StudioAV-0822f350> Playing 'spy-sip' (language
== Spying on channel SIP/Camera-08231e60
Unfortunately, in the opposite direction:
-- Executing [13 at from-sip:1] Dial("SIP/Soggiorno-0822f350",
"SIP/Camera") in new stack
-- Called Camera
-- SIP/Camera-08231e60 is ringing
-- SIP/Camera-08231e60 answered SIP/Soggiorno-0822f350
-- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/Soggiorno-0822f350 and SIP/Camera-08231e60
-- Executing [911 at from-sip:1] ExtenSpy("SIP/StudioAV-082560f8",
"12") in new stack
-- <SIP/StudioAV-082560f8> Playing 'beep' (language
== Spawn extension (from-sip, 911, 1) exited non-zero on
== Spawn extension (from-sip, 13, 1) exited non-zero on
The application ExtSpy seems to hang just before playing the 'spy-sip'
and I can't hear anything coming from the selected extension.
I'm using Asterisk version "Asterisk built by root @ Gateway
a i686".
Is this the correct behavior or a bug?
Thank you and best regards.
Marco Signorini.
Steve Gladden wrote:> Scratching my head and trying this.
> Asterisk Version: Asterisk
> Tried:
> exten => 4771,1,ExtenSpy(4724 at mbb)
> exten => 4771,2,Hangup
> Also tried:
> exten => 4771,1,Answer
> exten => 4771,2,ExtenSpy(4724 at mbb)
> exten => 4771,3,Hangup
> Also tried many variations including option ,b
> I think most calls I make are 'bridged'
> extensions 4771 and 4724 are both in mbb context.
> Tried 'cycling' though the channels and volule "*"
"#" no change.
> Test:
> 4724 places outbound or extension call.
> I dial "4771" from 4772
> I expect to hear audio from 4724's in progress call but hear nothing.
> I hear a recording "beep" when I dial 4771.
> I expect to hear audio from call being made from ext. 4724
> I've obviously got this wrong or the feature is not working :-)
> Ao far I've been unable to find much information on the net of anyone
> documenting
> a problem or a working configuration.
> Is there something I'm completely missing here?
> Thanks!
> Steve