If anyone would critique this method to achieve the following I'd be much obliged: THE EASY PROBLEM (solved): 1. I am the called party. 2. Call comes in and is answered by one of several endpoints 3. In the event that the call was answered by endpoint X (x being a local channel, dialed with the T option), the call can be transferred to an alternate endpoint by pressing the DTMF sequence as configured in features.conf Simple enough... THE HARDER PROBLEM (unsolved): Ideally, I'd like to accomplish the same thing but make the transfers instantaneous and near completely transparent to the calling party by doing something like this: DTMF sequence is pressed by called party, which triggers asterisk to establish a second channel to the alternate endpoint in advance. When the alternate endpoint answers, the calling party is 'switched' to the alternate endpoint, and the endpoint is dropped. In other words, a user wants to switch endpoints (usually wireless to terrestrial, or wireless-to-wireless) without troubling the customer--eliminating the "Hold on a sec while I transfer you: click--pause--ring--ring--hello?--OK--As I was saying..." I was thinking of a meetme conference and somehow triggering the drop of the first endpoint upon joining of the second endpoint. OR establishing the second channel connected to a park position, and then quickly transferring the call to that park position eliminating the call setup time. Could someone critique these methods? Can anyone think of a better way to do this? Is there an essential element here I'm missing that would make this impossible? I'm sure that with all the extremely clever people here, someone will have a good idea. I appreciate your help! -Karl