Jerry Geis
2007-Jul-11 17:57 UTC
[asterisk-users] analog call progress - simplified ( I hope)
Asterisk gurus, To have analog call progress (which as far as I know asterisk does not have right now) does it not come down to 4 states to detect - and I hope that some asterisk gurus can implement those 4 states easily. I see this as 4 states: Busy - a 50% duty cycle Ringing - a % on duty and MORE of a bigger % off duty cycle - or basically not BUSY and not TALK detect Talk - something that is not at a 50% duty cycle and periodic in nature. no data yet - state before ring or busy. These 4 states seem like they should not be that difficult to detect (I hope). I dont think we "care" about what tone is present or anything like that. Its simply trying to determine 4 states in the least amount of CPU needed. I have been hoping for a long time to have something similar to the old dialogic call progress for analog cards in asterisk. Havent seen it though. I have played with the zapata.conf callprogress and it says HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and it did not work for me. Jerry