I was very pleased to learn that 1.4.5 has been released. Unfortunately, I have been beating my head against a wall trying to install 1.4.4 on FreeBSD (6.2). If you have been successful in building 1.4.anything (including addons and zaptel-bsd-trunk), could you please respond, on- or off-list with the secret? Plain vanilla asterisk is ok (I think), but when I try to build asterisk-addons-1.4.1 and zaptel-bsd-trunk, nothing seems to be in the right place (or at least in the place where the build scripts expect it to be) and the build fails. I've tried moving stuff around, creating symbolic links, you name it, but unwinding the build spaghetti is beyond my capabilities, I'm afraid. TIA [If you don't have any experience with FreeBSD, please don't bother responding!] Bruce Komito High Sierra Networks, Inc. www.servers-r-us.com (775) 236-5815