Hi, I just installed asterisk 1.4.0 on my mac. I compiled from source with no issues. I installed the sample config files, and basically just added a register line to sip.conf (to register with a Free World Dialup account). Then I called my asterisk system from a different computer (using x-lite softphone on windows xp, registered to an ekiga.net account). Asterisk answers, and I can hear the prompts etc. However, after a while, (regardless of what I do with the demo menu options) asterisk starts spewing garbage to the console, then some error messages, then eventually dies. Here is a condensed output: <snip startup messages> Asterisk Ready. *CLI> sip show registry Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time fwd.pulver.com:5060 829262 105 Registered Sat, 24 Feb 2007 16:05:17 *CLI> -- Executing [s@default:1] Wait("SIP/5060-01828e00", "1") in new stack -- Executing [s@default:2] Answer("SIP/5060-01828e00", "") in new stack -- Executing [s@default:3] Set("SIP/5060-01828e00", "TIMEOUT(digit)=5") in new stack -- Digit timeout set to 5 -- Executing [s@default:4] Set("SIP/5060-01828e00", "TIMEOUT(response)=10") in new stack -- Response timeout set to 10 -- Executing [s@default:5] BackGround("SIP/5060-01828e00", "demo-congrats") in new stack -- Playing 'demo-congrats' (language 'en') -- Executing [s@default:6] BackGround("SIP/5060-01828e00", "demo-instruct") in new stack -- Pla;ing 'demo-instruct' (language 'en') : v\243\250\330\252z[\344\207.\233\343\2224\333l^K^W\230S\307t\316IJ\303\254\253^S\263\264G$\2161[\327$\2037\212fVW$l *CLI> VW$l;~en#DA;fblB&YY5Bjd <snip tons of garbage> *CLI> : S;\262\335T\214k\363\2204\233`\212J\341B\271\\242^F\373\260I\354)kim\310\306\324^T}\265\235\346\350o[\215@\242P\246^\214q\2725\350\304\372S\260\264\267\342\205jS\216#7\323\326v\264\344\225D\267[eGy\335^D+b#\231\333\333Dj\210\316zf\217E\326\214\223\245-\324\326V\271\232\221\303^EF\220\331X\217\243\234%\342GZ\217\204w#q\272\316\221\344\326l\221\310'\326X.\371\222\327&X\244\357\221$J\332^A\233\372\331\343$^L+L\362\333\204D\234\243Tt\325\227F\375\221\223\243G^_\211-\213\335\243I=,\354\\225d\263'\212I"\341#\207oj\272\352\325^T\206\275D\343$\214\363\262KQ\233^D^K#u\334\225\352\242\355\\227\346[Feb 24 16:07:20] WARNING[777]: codec_gsm.c:140 gsmtolin_framein: Invalid GSM data (1) [Feb 24 16:07:20] WARNING[777]: translate.c:197 framein: gsmtolin did not update samples 0 [Feb 24 16:07:20] WARNING[777]: codec_gsm.c:140 gsmtolin_framein: Invalid GSM data (1) [Feb 24 16:07:20] WARNING[777]: translate.c:197 framein: gsmtolin did not update samples 0 <snip tons more of this> [Feb 24 16:07:23] WARNING[777]: codec_gsm.c:140 gsmtolin_framein: Invalid GSM data (1) [Feb 24 16:07:23] WARNING[777]: translate.c:197 framein: gsmtolin did not update samples 0 [Feb 24 16:07:23] WARNING[777]: codec_gsm.c:140 gsmtolin_framein: Invalid GSM data (1) [Feb 24 16:07:23] WARNING[777]: translate.c:197 framein: gsmtolin did not update samples 0 Bus error d66-183-116-232:/Users/swebster admin$ *** That's it, the process has died. Any ideas on the cause of this? Or solutions? Thanks, Scott