I'm trying to set up the Music on Hold feature.
However, when I place a call the moh starts and stops
immediately and as a result I dont hear the audio.
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on
channel 'SIP/XXX'
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/XXX
NOTICE[380]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread:
Request to schedule in the past?!?!
My extensions.conf reads:
exten => 2000,1,Answer
exten => 2000,2,MusicOnHold(default)
I've also tried:
exten => 2000,1,Answer
exten => 2000,2,MusicOnHold(default)
exten => 2000,3,WaitMusicOnHold(20)
exten => 2000,4,Hangup
Any ideas?
zen perry
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