I'm trying to send/receive faxes with a modem connected to a FXS
port of a TDM400P. 50% of the faxes are sent/received bad.
The installation is this:
QuadBRI -> Asterisk -> TDM400P (FXS) -> modem/fax -> Zetafax
Things I have tried:
- reduce the speed of modem/fax to 9600bps = no changes
- disable echo cancel in all channels = no changes
- Answer() before Dial (to detect fax tone and disable echo cancel) = no changes
Somebody has tried a configuration like this?
Thanks in advance.
Paco Brufal <pbrufal@servitux.es>
ServiTux Servicios Inform?ticos S.L.
Tel. 966 160 600 / Fax. 966 160 601