Hi guys, I have what is probably a very noob question. I've tried to search the wiki, but my lack of knowledge is hindering me in finding the right keywords: I'd like to know what the packet size of an IAX2 packet is, if its using the ilbc codec. Now I'll tell you why, so you can tell me what I really want to know. :) I'm experiencing packet loss on my inter office network, so I installed SmokePing to determine the extent of the loss. However, I'm not sure what the best size packet to test would be. Any advice/suggestions would be great. Thanks, Avi -- National Manager - Special Projects < Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra / Hobart / London /> 2/340 Gore Street T: 1 3000 SQUIZ (77849) Fitzroy, VIC T: +61 (0) 3 9235 5400 3065 F: +61 (0) 3 9235 5444 W: http://www.squiz.net/ .....>> Open Source - Own it - Squiz.net ...../>