Hello, I linked an Asterisk server to a Brazilian PBX (Leucotron) through an E1 connection, using MFC/R2, that's common down here. The connection works properly. I'm able both to dial and receive calls through that link, among their extensions. The problem is that the PBX configuration is very tough. Just a few options in the GUI software and I cannot play with it in lower level. That PBX has two E1 interfaces. One of them is connected to the PSTN and the other to the Asterisk server. Both connections are working ok. I need to make calls from the Asterisk server to the PSTN, i.e., coming from an E1 and going through the other one. Here is my pain. That PBX assumes that an E1 connection is "always" PSTN, so an E1 link doesn't need to talk to each other. Zero flexibility. The manufacturer support gave me a "solution". Coming from Asterisk, I can dial a special code, then I get a simulated dial tone, and then I dial (through DTMF) the number I want. That's odd, but it works. In my case, that code is 6666. Since E1 is digital-signaled, the best to do would be dialing just like I do between two Asterisks: exten => _XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Unicall/g1/6666${EXTEN}) But it doesn't work. The PBX just ignores the numbers after 6666 and gives me a dial tone. Another way would be dialing 6666 and then sending the "number to dial" through DTMF tones, with something like this: exten => _XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Unicall/g1/6666|20|D(w${EXTEN})) That would work, BUT a little detail broke my legs. The "Dial" application only sends the DTMF tones after receiving the "channel answered" signal from the E1 channel, and that PBX only sends that signal when the remote party has answered the call, what's useful for accounting purposes. So, when I dial something using the above dial plan, Asterisk dials 6666 and I hear the dial tone. If I dial something in my phone (DTMF), the PBX hears that and makes the call. When the remote party answers the call, the Dial application releases the DTMF tones. Possible solutions: 1) Finding a way that Asterisk sends the DTMF tones immediately after opening the channel, without waiting the answer signal. 2) Making the PBX works the way it should do, receiving all the numbers in the digital channel and making the call without simulating any dial tone. I'm not hopeful that the manufacturer will be able to change the way the PBX works, so I better keep looking for the first solution. Any help is pretty welcome. TIA -- Marlon Dutra