Dinesh Nair
2006-Apr-04 21:54 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] asterisk-ooh323, asterisk 1.2.6 and netmeeting
has anyone managed to get these three beasties to work together ? we're using ooh323 from asterisk-addons-1.2.2, asterisk 1.2.6 and microsoft netmeeting default from windows xp. the symptoms are that calls from a SIP client to NetMeeting rings on NetMeeting, but upon answering the call in NetMeeting, no audio is passed between the two. eventually, the call times out and hangs up. on a reverse call from NetMeeting to the SIP client, the SIP client rings and when it's answered, the same thing happens, i.e. no audio is passed. the same happens when netmeeting calls an IVR-related app like Directory, SayDigits et al. my ooh323.conf file is attached. also, here's the asterisk console output with ooh323 debug on: NetMeeting H323 to SIP --- onNewCallCreated ooh323c_7 +++ onNewCallCreated ooh323c_7 --- ooh323_onReceivedSetup ooh323c_7 --- find_user +++ find_user Adding capabilities to call(incoming, ooh323c_7) --- configure_local_rtp +++ configure_local_rtp +++ ooh323_onReceivedSetup - Determined context default, extension 6384 --- onAlerting ooh323c_7 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onAlerting ooh323c_7 -- Executing Dial("OOH323/mms mms-fa6a", "SIP/6384|40|owWtT") in new stack -- Called 6384 -- SIP/6384-d9f2 is ringing ----- ooh323_indicate 3 on call ooh323c_7 ++++ ooh323_indicate 3 on ooh323c_7 -- SIP/6384-d9f2 answered OOH323/mms mms-fa6a ----- ooh323_indicate -1 on call ooh323c_7 Apr 4 18:16:34 WARNING[3021]: src/chan_h323.c:952 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition -1 on ooh323c_7 ++++ ooh323_indicate -1 on ooh323c_7 --- ooh323_answer +++ ooh323_answer -- Attempting native bridge of OOH323/mms mms-fa6a and SIP/6384-d9f2 --- onCallEstablished ooh323c_7 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onCallEstablished ooh323c_7 --- onCallCleared ooh323c_7 --- find_call +++ find_call == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s-DIAL, 1) exited non-zero on 'OOH323/mms mms-fa6a' in macro 'stdexten' == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s-DIAL, 1) exited non-zero on 'OOH323/mms mms-fa6a' --- ooh323_hangup hanging mms mms +++ ooh323_hangup --- ooh323_destroy Destroying mms mms +++ ooh323_destroy SIP to H323 NetMeeting -- Executing Dial("SIP/6384-b575", "OOH323/6985|40|owWtT") in new stack --- ooh323_request - data 6985 format 0x8 (alaw) --- find_peer +++ find_peer +++ ooh323_request --- ooh323_call- 6985 +++ ooh323_call -- Called 6985 --- onNewCallCreated ooh323c_o_3 --- find_call +++ find_call setting callid number 6384 Outgoing call 6985(ooh323c_o_3) - Codec prefs - (ulaw) Adding capabilities to call(outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) Adding g711 ulaw capability to call(outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) --- configure_local_rtp +++ configure_local_rtp +++ onNewCallCreated ooh323c_o_3 --- onAlerting ooh323c_o_3 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onAlerting ooh323c_o_3 -- OOH323/6985-e521 is ringing --- onCallEstablished ooh323c_o_3 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onCallEstablished ooh323c_o_3 -- OOH323/6985-e521 answered SIP/6384-b575 -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/6384-b575 and OOH323/6985-e521 --- ooh323_hangup hanging 6985 +++ ooh323_hangup == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s-DIAL, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6384-b575' in macro 'stdexten' == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s-DIAL, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6384-b575' --- onCallCleared ooh323c_o_3 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onCallCleared --- ooh323_destroy Destroying 6985 +++ ooh323_destroy -- Regards, /\_/\ "All dogs go to heaven." dinesh@alphaque.com (0 0) http://www.alphaque.com/ +==========================----oOO--(_)--OOo----==========================+ | for a in past present future; do | | for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do | | echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b." | | done; done | +=========================================================================+ -- Regards, /\_/\ "All dogs go to heaven." dinesh@alphaque.com (0 0) http://www.alphaque.com/ +==========================----oOO--(_)--OOo----==========================+ | for a in past present future; do | | for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do | | echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b." | | done; done | +=========================================================================+ -------------- next part -------------- [general] h323id=QubeTalkECS callerid=QubeTalkECS gatekeeper=DISABLE ; DISCOVER or IP addy logfile=/var/spool/asterisk/log/h323_log gateway=no ; or yes faststart=yes h245tunneling=yes port=1720 bindaddr= context=default [6970] ip= type=friend context=phones disallow=all allow=alaw allow=ulaw h323id=rosli email=6970@qc.com group=1 callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 accountcode=QC_H323 amaflags=default callerid=6970 <6970> [6985] ip= type=friend context=phones disallow=all allow=ulaw h323id=muzz email=6985@qc.com group=1 callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 accountcode=QC_H323 amaflags=default callerid=test 323 <6985> [6999] ip=dynamic type=friend context=phones disallow=all allow=alaw allow=ulaw h323id=hock email=sin@qubeconnect.com group=1 callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 accountcode=QC_H323 amaflags=default callerid=Sin Hock Kian <6999>
Avi Miller
2006-Apr-04 22:17 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] asterisk-ooh323, asterisk 1.2.6 and netmeeting
Dinesh Nair wrote:> the symptoms are that calls from a SIP client to NetMeeting rings on > NetMeeting, but upon answering the call in NetMeeting, no audio is passed > between the two. eventually, the call times out and hangs up.I had a similar problem connecting Asterisk to an Avaya IP403 via OOH323: In the end, I removed all the disallow=all and allow=<codec> lines in Asterisk. This seems to have allowed the two systems to overcome the codec negotiation problems they were having and proceed with actual audio transfer. :) I have no idea if this is related, but I thought I'd just throw that out there, if only for testing purposes. cYa, Avi -- National Manager - Special Projects < Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra / Hobart / London /> 2/340 Gore Street T: +61 (0) 3 9486 0411 Fitzroy, VIC F: +61 (0) 3 9486 0611 3065 W: http://www.squiz.net/ .....>> Open Source - Own it - Squiz.net ...../>