With pen in hand, Rolf Brusletto succussfully stormed bulwarks which
others armed with sword and excommunication have been repulsed, and said
...> All - I've a new system, that since it's been in production, has
seen a
> few issues, that look like they should be fixed by upgrading asterisk @
> home to the latest version. I was curious if anybody out there can tell
> me their experiences with this, and what to expect.
I upgraded from 2.2 to 2.4 with only minor issues aferwards.
Back up your /etc/asterisk directory before you do anything, of course,
then untar asteriskathome.tar.gz distro in /var/aah_load directory and run
the install.sh script.
If you use sugar crm then back this up too because it overwrites
everything. You will also have to reset all the passwords as these are set
back to the standard initial passwords that A@H sets up.
After you're done with the upgrade, just diff all the etc/asteisk conf
files and also check, through the amp portal, all your settings. A few
parts on mine disappeared, but I had saved all the configs so I think my
total time to rebuild and reset everything was under an hour.
Of course, I forgot about sugar, which I use, but not enough to have
remembered to back it up, but that's another issue.
Hope this helps answers your question.
John C.